Account Changes & Updates
Campaign Strategy Approval
Design Approval
Development Approval
Project Strategy Approval
Website Content Approval
Contract Renewal
Customer Gift Request
Ecommerce Questionnaire
Internal Support Request
K+S Support Form
Launch Notice
Marketing Questionnaire
New Order Form
New Project Setup
Onboarding Video
Payment Authorization
Product Launch Survey
Project Onboarding Form
Request for Proposal
Sales Research Request
Signature Generator
Website Quote Generator
Momentum Forms
Marketing Questionnaire
Contact Information
Campaign Information
Have you done marketing in the past? If so what have you done and what were the results?
What does your sales cycle look like for an inbound lead?
Do you have a dedicated person who answers the phone / email submissions?
How long does it take to go from inbound lead to closed deal on average?
What are the top 3 attributes that people want from your products/services?
Who is your primary target audience?
What does your ideal client look like?
What are some typical questions or concerns you get from potential customers?
Who do you see as your top 3 competitors?
What geographic areas do you service or sell products? Which are the best or do you want to advertise in?
Please list some keywords that you feel your target audience would use when searching for your services.
Do you use a CRM? If so which one do you use?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your business or campaign?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.